My sisters like hockey, I really can't stand it so mom and I will occassionally put the Pride and Prejudice DVD in and watch on the desktop computer.
Thank God I bought those headsets because now the living room doesn't have to sound like a sports bar with the volume on the highest setting blasting our ears with hockey!! My sisters can comfortably turn up the volume on their headsets to whatever level they desire while we can have some peace again.
My packages arrived a few days ago, honestly I can't even rememeber which day but they both came on the same day (isn't that great, two surprises in one day!!)
The Henna pens are amazing, I tried it out and I would definately keep buying them. My mom was really wowed as well at what a great invention they are.As for the Drum, well it's... noisy. And I do need to figure out how to use it properly. Never-the-less it looks great in my Modern Moroccan themed bedroom.
I promised myself these would be the last orders but I couldn't resist so hopefully The OCD collection of 4 seasons of MONK on DVD should be coming by next week as well as another "secret" package.Online stores can be so addictive, now that I've got a paypal account I don't have to bug my dad and use his credit card all the time, but then again this gives me a chance to go out of control *yikes*
Gotta stop, gotta stop...... hopefully as the weather gets warmer I can occupy myself with more outdoor activities instead of just sitting in here waiting for stuff to arrive.
My sister ordered what she calls a "fun pack" from AMAZON, the mail man buzzed from downstairs and informed us that he had a package, when he brought it to the door he warned her that it was quite heavy and it sure was. Inside were STAR WARS books, a complete STAR WARS encyclopedia as well as two disney movies on DVD. They were classical animated movies that I've seen like a zillion times, but whats really great about these DVDs are the extras, like the making, director commentary and deleted scenes.
No cooking for me today either, I'm treating everyone to Thai food today. It was my youngest sisters' idea after she saw the flyer arrive in the mail.
Spinach pies I made yesterday, yum yum!

You really do such wonderful things ! Look at the pies ! Yhummmm!
I'd like to be there with you ...
Thank you G- roseavelho for stopping by and your kind comments. I wish you were here too, one of my new projects includes making short instructional video clips on some of the simple recipes I make, I'm looking forward to publishing them here and your coming visits : )
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