Thursday, February 11, 2016

Curried Okra Fry

Curry Okra Fry

1 package fresh okra, remove tops by slicing off and cut into thick rings

Oil, about 3 tbsp, I use avocado oil or any flavourless high smoke point oil
1 onion, chopped
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 thumb size piece of ginger, grated. Frozen is fine as I keep mine in the freezer anyway

1 tsp curry powder
1/2 tsp corriander
1/2 tsp cumin
1 tsp black mustard seeds
Salt and chili, to taste

1 tsp big teaspoon tomato paste
1 big or 2 small tomatoes, fresh and chopped in quarters (then you can just pick 4-8 pieces of skin out of the dish)

Fresh cilantro, for finishing and garnish

Heat the oil and add the onion, fry until edges are beginning to brown then add your spices and fry, mustard seeds may pop a bit.
Add your garlic and ginger and it will smell amazing at this point! Don't let it burn.
Add your chopped okra and finally tomato paste and chopped tomato.

If it needs a little water you can add a couple of tbsp and then cover and let it simmer for 15 minutes or so until okra is tender. At this point if there is any liquid still in it you can turn up the heat and just leave the lid off while keeping an eye out until it begins to dry up.

Add chopped cilantro and enjoy!

I serve with quick spelt rotis which I whip up using spelt flour, a drizzle of oil and enough water to create a pliable but not too sticky dough (Spelt can be sticky)
 I roll out small rounds and fry in a oiled pan (non stick works best)  flipping on both sides and removing once blisters appear.

This dish is delicious! Serve hot or room temperature!

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